Nature knoledge

At the Guies Roc Blanc mountain school you’ll be able to gain knowledge about fundamental techniques needed to go to the highest and most difficult peaks. With the orientation course, you’ve got a guaranteed experience base to safely organize your trips and enjoy the mountains without any problems. Teaching professionals and helpful guides who’ll help and encourage you to make progress. Rates

Orientation with your children: Restaurant Can Jordi (Espinavell)

- We will learn what is a map, compass and how to use it.
We will enjoy nature in the company of our children.
- We will know from the hand of an experienced guide, the area where we will carry out the activities.
- The course helps us gain self-sufficiency, at the same time identify and know how to better interpret the environment where we will move.

Activity aimed at families who want to know their orientation or simply want to improve their knowledge for the first time, in order to recognize the surroundings that surround them, in short, to know how to use both the map and the compass effectively and at the same time enjoy of an activity in the mountain with your children. We will know more about the area of Espinavell and its surroundings. We will also enjoy the cuisine of the area in the hands of one of the best local restaurants.
Minimum 4 people, lunch included in Can Jordi.

All day


Activity apt for children:

Orientation Course: Restaurant Can Jordi (Espinavell)

- We will learn to use the map, the compass and other elements that can help us in orientation.
We will know from the hand of an experienced guide, the area where we will carry out the activities.
- We will enjoy the gastronomy of one of the best restaurants in the Valley, Can Jordi d'Espinavell.

We will give a theoretical part to the Refugio Estudis d'Espinavell and a practical part about Espinavell.
We will learn to guide you through natural means of guidance, we will learn to use the map, the compass, the curvimetre and other elements necessary to guide us safely. We will also learn to use a mobile application and GPS.
We will know more about the area of Espinavell and its surroundings. We will also enjoy the cuisine of the area in the hands of one of the best local restaurants.
Minimum 2 people, lunch included in Can Jordi.

All day

GPS Course: Restaurant Can Jordi (Espinavell)

- We will learn to use GPS and all of its most important options.
We will practice the most practical safety options on the GPS field.
- We will enjoy the gastronomy of one of the best restaurants in the Valley, Can Jordi d'Espinavell.

We will give a theoretical part to the Refugio Estudis d'Espinavell and a practical part about Espinavell.
We will learn to use a GPS and its most common options. We will know all the security options that have a GPS to guide the natural environment. We will also learn to use a mobile application.
We will know more about the area of Espinavell and its surroundings. We will also enjoy the cuisine of the area in the hands of one of the best local restaurants.
Minimum 2 people, lunch included in Can Jordi.

All day

Igloo course and fortune refuges

We will learn to make three types of fortune refuges in the snow.
- Perfect activity to promote teamwork.
- If we go fast, we can make a sprig at the igloo ;-)

Snow fortune shelter course, we will learn how to make igloos, snow caves and fortune shelters with a thermal blanket or raffia. An ideal course to know the advantages of igloos, thermal comfort ... We will discover the secrets and some tricks to build the most comfortable igloos possible as well as snow caves to spend a night at bay in case of an emergency.

4 h


Activity apt for children:

Nature knowledge and snow science: Vallter 2000

- We will learn to move safely to winter lands.
We will see the different security elements that we will use in winter.
- IWe will know the different types of snow we can find.

In the hands of an experienced guide we will do a snow field to see the different layers and know the different types of snow we can find, the avalanche types and how to act in dangerous situations.
We will know that it is the ARVA, the shovel and the probe and how you are used. We will practice the operation of these elements.
Minimum 2 people

Half day
